In 2019, ReadyNation released a report detailing the $57 billion annual cost of the infant-toddler child care crisis to the US economy. Next Thursday, Feb. 2, we will present updated data on this massively increasing cost and host a panel discussion that will shed light on the crisis, explain why it's worsening, and outline possible policy solutions that will strengthen American families and our economy. We invite you to join us via the event livestream at 2 p.m. ET on Feb. 2.
The panel will include:
Katie Ferrier, Vice President, Education & Workforce Development, (San Antonio, TX) Chamber of Commerce, ReadyNation Member
Jack McBride, Founder and CEO, Contec Inc. (Spartanburg, SC), ReadyNation Member
Sarah Puleo, Parent, Community Care Preschool and Child Care, Inc. (Beaver Dam, WI)
Sandra Bishop, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, Council for a Strong America
Barry Ford, J.D., President and CEO, Council for a Strong America
Moderated by Megan Leonhardt, Senior Reporter, Fortune Magazine