Please join Bank Street on January 28 at 12:30 PM ET for a webinar on our latest brief: Career Pathways and Wage Ladders: A Key Opportunity for Improving Quality. Registration is available here.
Career pathways and wage ladders can serve as the foundation for transformative change for the ECE workforce if designed with quality and equity at the core.
This brief describes key considerations for states to realize this potential:
Prioritize the incumbent workforce
Recognize experience through mastery-based approaches
Build from a set of locally-adopted core competencies
Include multiple entry points
Include opportunities for robust and sustained job-embedded coaching and mentoring throughout the pathway
Ensure that each level is meaningful and perceived as attainable
Build beyond a living wage floor to make meaningful progress towards pay parity
Read more here and please share with your networks.
Please reach out to Annie Schaeffing at with any questions or to schedule a time to speak with the Learning Starts At Birth team about these recommendations.