Panelists and participants of the 2022 Maternal Health Incubator told us that in order to achieve maternal health and health care equity, public health and clinical data sets must include stories in the authentic voices of those who tell them. They reinforced that we must listen to, learn from, and act on the accounts, events, and experiences patients and community members describe in a way that current data collection methods do not allow. Participants emphasized the need for qualitative maternal health data and suggested the AAMC Center for Health Justice facilitate efforts centered around patient and community experiences and work with community partners to update standards for data collection.
We heard you!
Join us virtually on May 18 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. ET for an exploration of how and whether available qualitative tools, such as natural language processing, can retain the wisdom of patient and community member stories, even as those stories are transformed into data and signal. We’ll assess the current state of the science and practice and co-develop guiding principles so that any application of natural language processing in service of maternal health equity is, by design, anti-racist and anti-discriminatory.
Registration and more information about speakers and sessions will be available in early spring. Subscribe to the Center for Health Justice newsletter and follow us on Twitter @aamcjustice to stay up to date on this and other events. Questions? Contact us at